Just about everyone’s heard of karma. Some people think it’s almost fate. But have you ever ever stopped to think what Karma really means? The truth is, most us have it wrong. And this misunderstanding doesn’t help any of us. When you truly understand what Karma means, it are often used as a strong tool for private development. So below, we’re getting to explain exactly what Karma means then we’ll re-evaluate how you'll use this philosophy to offer you more freedom and control over your life
The word "karma" means "action," not "fate." In Bhagvat Geeta, karma is an energy created by willful action, through thoughts, words and deeds. We are all creating karma every minute, and therefore the karma we create affects us every minute.
Karma broadly defined as the universal principle of cause and effect, action and reaction which governs our all life actions. Karma is a natural law of the mind, just as gravity is a law of matter which attracts thoughts and actions "Karma" is a Sanskrit word meaning literally "action", "word" or "deed". In Bhagvat Geeta, karma refers to intentional thoughts, words, and actions and the energy created by those thoughts, words, and actions
When we talk about “Our Karma” we’re talking about the actions we’ve “sown” or performed in the past (including our past lives) that are the cause of what we “reap” in our current life situation. This either becomes our Karmic Burden or Karmic Baggage or our Karmic Blessing depending on whether we’ve performed positive or negative actions in the past.
Every action, either physical, emotional or mental, every movement occurring either on the plane of gross matter (School am) or on the astral planes (Sookshma), causes emission of Energy. In other words, it produces a Seed.
Being a Seed, Karma fructifies or does not fructify immediately after it is sown. The innumerable Karmic Seeds we produce by our various actions – desire, aversion, love, hatred, happiness, etc. will undoubtedly produce, sooner or later, a positive or negative result according to the nature of the seed, if not in this life, then in some future one.
Human beings are said to produce karma in four ways:
- Through Thoughts
- Through Right Attitude Words
- Through Actions that we perform ourselves
- Through Actions others perform under our instructions
Everything that we have ever thought,spoken,done or caused is karma,as is also that which we think speak or do this very moment.Vedic scripture divede karma into Four kinds:

1. Sanchita Karma: Sanchita Karma is the vast store of piled-up Karma accumulated in the preceding and in all other previous births and yet to be resolved, it is the accumulated result of all your actions from all your past lifetimes and from the current lifetime till this moment. This Sanchita Karma is our total Karmic debt (combination of Karmic Credit and Karmic Debt.). In other words, it is the aggregate sum of yet unseen Karmas committed during innumerable previous existences. Every moment of every day we are adding to the account by performing a Good or Bad Karma. This is your total cosmic debt. Every moment of your every day, you are either adding to it or you are reducing this cosmic debt. It is waiting to be fulfilled in your future births. We also reduce Karma balance from our account sometimes (Those rare moments in a day when we are doing meditation, spiritual practice, selfless service etc.)
So unless and until the Sanchita Karma of a Soul is zeroed, it keeps on birthing in new physical bodies, in order to exhaust its balance of Sanchita Karma. This is your total cosmic debt. Every moment of every day either you are adding to it or you are reducing this cosmic debt.
Total collected bows are like Sanchit Karma
2. Prarabdha Karma ( Fructifying Karma or “Actions began; set in motion” or Arrows in Flight):
Total Deeds or portion in the collected Karmas are Praradbha that one has to reap in any case. |
That portion of the Sanchita Karma destined to influence human life in one or the present incarnation is called Praarabdha. This is a portion of your “sanchita” Karma being worked on in the present life. That is part of one’s Sanchita Karma which must be worked out in the present life (no options).It is a collection of total past karmas, which are ready to be experienced through the present body (incarnation). Because the law of Karma implies determinism in human activities, Prarabdha is often translated as destiny. When you work down your agreed upon debt in this lifetime, then more past debts surface to be worked upon in the next birth.
In other words, Praarabdha Karma is Karmic Template (of that portion of Sanchita Karma) that is ripe enough to be experienced by you and allotted for this lifetime for you to work on. If you work down your agreed upon debt in this lifetime, then more past debts will surface to be worked on. And that much Sanchita Karma gets dissolved.
According to Sri Swami Sivananda: “Prarabdha is that portion of the past karma which is responsible for the present body. That portion of the sanchita karma which influences human life in the present incarnation is called prarabdha. It is ripe for reaping. It cannot be avoided or changed. It is only exhausted by being experienced. You pay your past debts. Prarabdha karma is that which has begun and is actually bearing fruit. It is selected out of the mass of the sanchita karma.
Each lifetime, a certain portion of the sanchita karma, most suited for the spiritual evolution at the time, is chosen to be worked out, during the course of the lifetime. Subsequently, this Prarabdha Karma creates circumstances which we are destined to experience in our present lifetime, they also place certain limitations via our physical family, body or life circumstances we are born into, as charted in our birth chart or horoscope, collectively known as fate or destiny (determinism).
There are three kinds of Prarabdha karma: Ichha (personally desired), Anichha (without desire) and Parechha (due to others’ desire). For a self-realised person, a Jivan mukta, there is no Ichha-Prarabdha but the two others, Anichha and Parechha, remain, which even a jivan mukta has to undergo.
3. Kriyamana Karma: (Instant, Current Karma or “Being made” or Ready to Shoot, Trigger in your hand)
An arrow set to mark for the target is Kiryamana Karma |
Kriyamana Karma is the daily, instant Karma created in this lifetime and that we create in our life because of our free actions.In General, This is Karma that we create in our daily life because of our thoughts, will, and actions. It refers to those which are currently in front of us to decide or act on. All the karmas which are done In our sub-conscious mind. It refers to the decisions before us to act upon.This contributes to our Future Karma in a big way. They can also be worked off immediately. These are debts that are created and worked off – i.e. for example, you park your vehicle in a ‘No Parking Space’, you get caught and you are fined (punished) immediately. Wrong thought leads to bad action i.e You decided to kill someone, you did it and you got punished.
(i.e. you speed on a highway and you get a ticket. Karma is created and consumed immediately in this case.)
While some Kriyamana Karmas bear fruit in the current life, others are stored for enjoying in future births. Thus the Kriyamana Karma is classified into two sub-categories: Arabdha Karma – literally, ‘begun, undertaken;’ the Karma that is ‘sprouting’-
and Anarabdha Karma – ‘not commenced; dormant’ or ‘The Seed Karma’. An example: two persons committed theft and one of them get caught – Arabdha Karma – and the other one got away – Anarabdha Karma. The thief who got caught immediately starts to feel the effect of the cause or the reaction to his action; he gets caught and goes to jail. The other robber who escaped will have to experience, in this life or in a future one, the effect of this wrongful action.
4. Agami Karma : (Future Karma)
An Arrow which is going to Set in the Bow is Agami Karma that is not yet released but in the process of releasing to hit target. It is more like Mansa karma |
Aagami Karma is the Karmic Map that is coming, Approaching or Future Karma: This is the Karma or the actions that are now going to be done which will give their results later in the future. Some of Agami Karmas bear fruit in the current life; others are stored for future births in the form of Sanchita Karma as a result of the merits and demerits of the present actions of your current birth. In other words, it is the portion of Karma that is created because of the actions in the present life and that will be added to your Sanchita Karma. If you fail to work off your debt, then more debts are added to Sanchita Karma and they become more Karmic Seeds and are served to you in more future lives.
Agami Karama is mainly seen for future plotting work done for next birth, which means it indicates what we wanted to do now are what i am doing right now which is actually your thought processing – your current state of mind
Any Purified or Karmic soul (those are in the process) should have to do Karma without any attachments and getting any expectation of the fruit from karma as it never gone generate any good or bad karma even though they are doing karma in society but it will never be add up in their total karmic portion. Their Karma will act like purified Karma as it doesn’t have any attachments and expectation and hence it does not add to the karmic balance for the next journey, it will be more like a Punya karma. The whole purpose of this article was to give astrological redemption based on the theory of Karama as explained in Bhagwad Geeta by Lord Krishna and in Vedanta, just to the enlightened and awake subconscious mind
great one!
ReplyDeletetremendous need more blog
ReplyDeletetremendous keep it up
ReplyDeleteVery nice 👌👌
ReplyDeleteGreat man
ReplyDeleteIntellectual ...Good Content...