What is the Karmic Cycle?

In the language of Karma, every positive deed is merit and every negative deed is a sin. In your earthly birth, you are constantly settling scores and simultaneously creating new ones that are settled in subsequent lives. This loop of Karma is referred to as the Karmic Cycle.

We are all aware of the concept of destiny which is determined by our karmas or deeds in the past births. The law of karma states every action, positive or negative will have an equal reaction on your own self. Now, all your forward-looking actions are recorded as merits and the ones with negative intent are recorded as sins in your karma record book.

Both of these actions must be repaid in your human life by enduring happiness or happiness. If you fail to settle scores in this life, the debt is carried to your next life. The failure of non-repayment is because in your day-to-day activities you also create new accounts alongside settling old ones. Thus, you are entangled so deep in this loop of karma, that you fail to realize the karmic patterns.

All souls have a past, present and future life!

Every soul survives various cycles of karma depending on the accounts that are yet to settle. It continues to reincarnate into different physical bodies until it learns all lessons to grow beyond this materialistic world. Thus, every human being that you see has had a past in a different body and is most likely to have a future in a different body

Karmic cycles are not just limited to lifetimes

A lot of people in the world believe that Karmic cycles operate from lifetime-to-lifetime. However, this is not reality. If you zoom in, you will observe there are many karmic patterns that repeat itself in a year’s time. In fact, not a year, in just a day in a gap of a few minutes. Yes, a karmic cycle takes force every 40 minutes, offering you an opportunity to break it multiple times during the day. 


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